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#! python3  # noqa: E265

    Application views.

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# ###########################################################################
# ######### Libraries #############
# #################################

# Standard library
import json
import logging

# 3rd party modules
import arrow

# Django
from django.core.paginator import EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger, Paginator
from django.db.models import Count, Q
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.utils import timezone
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
from django.views.decorators.gzip import gzip_page
from django.views.decorators.http import require_safe

# project
# from cms.models import Article
from import conditional_cache
from import OfferFilter
from import Contract, Offer

# ############################################################################
# ########## Globals ##############
# #################################


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# ######### Functions #############
# #################################
[docs]def calc_compare_week_by_year() -> int: """Calculate variation in percentage between number of published offers this week \ and those published the same week last year. :return: variation percentage (can be negative) :rtype: int """ # count offers published during actual week week_actual_year = Offer.objects.filter( pub_date__year=TZ_NOW.year, pub_date__week=TZ_NOW.strftime("%V") ).count() # count offers published during the same week but past year week_past_year = Offer.objects.filter( pub_date__year=TZ_NOW.year - 1, pub_date__week=TZ_NOW.strftime("%V") ).count() # compare them if week_actual_year == 0: logging.warning( "Still no offer published this week: {}-{}.".format( TZ_NOW.strftime("%V"), TZ_NOW.year ) ) week_comparison_perc = -100 elif week_past_year == 0: logging.warning( "No offers were published the same week last year: {}-{}.".format( TZ_NOW.strftime("%V"), TZ_NOW.year - 1 ) ) week_comparison_perc = 100 else: try: week_comparison_perc = round( (week_actual_year - week_past_year) / week_past_year * 100, 2 ) except ZeroDivisionError as err: logging.error( "Unable to calculate comparison published offers this year ({}-{} = {}) against " "previous year ({}-{} = {}). Traced error: {}.".format( TZ_NOW.year, TZ_NOW.strftime("%V"), week_actual_year, TZ_NOW.year - 1, TZ_NOW.strftime("%V"), week_past_year, err, ) ) week_comparison_perc = 0 return week_comparison_perc
# ############################################################################# # ########## Views ################ # #################################
[docs]@require_safe @gzip_page @cache_page(60 * 60) # in seconds def stats_home(request): """Displays global metrics about database on homepage.""" # KPIs nb_offers = Offer.objects.count() if nb_offers: last_date = Offer.objects.latest("pub_date").pub_date first_date = Offer.objects.earliest("pub_date").pub_date else: logging.warning("No offers in the database.") last_date = first_date = "" # content # presentation = Article.objects.get(slug_title="homepage-presentation") presentation = "Héhé" # values to replace within the template context = { "nb_contrats": nb_offers, "first_date": first_date, "last_date": last_date, "presentation": presentation, } # function end return render(request, "jobs/home.html", context)
[docs]@require_safe @gzip_page @cache_page(60 * 60) def stats_contrats(request): """Renders statistics by contracts type on contracts page.""" # global KPIs nb_offers = Offer.objects.count() if nb_offers: nb_place_all = Offer.objects.exclude(place="ND").count() nb_contract_all = Offer.objects.exclude(contract="ND").count() nb_place_perc = int(100 * nb_place_all / nb_offers) nb_contract_perc = int(100 * nb_contract_all / nb_offers) # compare actual week with same week number of the past year week_comparison_perc = calc_compare_week_by_year() else: logging.warning("No offers in the database.") nb_contract_perc = nb_place_perc = week_comparison_perc = 0 # stats par types de contrat contracts_types = [ {"x": "CDI", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="CDI").count()}, {"x": "CDD", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="CDD").count()}, {"x": "FPT/FPE", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="FP E/T").count()}, {"x": "Interim", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="Intérim").count()}, {"x": "Stages", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="Stage").count()}, { "x": "Apprentissage", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="Alternance").count(), }, { "x": "Recherche", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="Thèse").count() + Offer.objects.filter(contract="Postdoctorat").count(), }, { "x": "Autres", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="Expatriation").count() + Offer.objects.filter(contract="Autres").count() + Offer.objects.filter(contract="Volontariat").count(), }, {"x": "Non reconnu", "y": Offer.objects.filter(contract="ND").count()}, ] # values to replace within the template context = { "global_kpi": [ nb_offers, nb_contract_perc, nb_place_perc, week_comparison_perc, ], "contracts_types": contracts_types, } # function end return render(request, "jobs/stats.html", context)
[docs]@require_safe @gzip_page @cache_page(60 * 60) def get_offers_by_period(request): """ Get the number of offers per period (year, month, week). month and week TO DO Called via AJAX """ period = request.GET["period"] if period == "year": years = [i.year for i in Offer.objects.dates("pub_date", "year")] offers = [ { "values": [ {"x": year, "y": Offer.objects.filter(pub_date__year=year).count()} for year in years ], "key": "Offres", "color": "#decbe4", } ] elif period == "month": # months = [i.month for i in Offer.objects.dates("pub_date", "month")] pass # weeks else: pass return HttpResponse(json.dumps(offers))
[docs]@require_safe @gzip_page @cache_page(60 * 60) def get_types_contract_by_period(request): """ Get the number types of contract per period (year, month, week). month and week TO DO Called via AJAX """ conts_abbrvs = list( Contract.objects.exclude(abbrv__in=["Autres", "Expatriation", "ND"]) .values_list("abbrv", flat=True) .order_by("abbrv") ) colors = ( "#8dd3c7", "#fdb462", "#fb8072", "#80b1d3", "#bebada", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9", "#fccde5", "#bc80bd", ) period = request.GET["period"] if period == "year": years = [i.year for i in Offer.objects.dates("pub_date", "year")] cts_years = [] for ct in conts_abbrvs: cts_years.append( { "color": colors[conts_abbrvs.index(ct)], "key": ct, "values": [ (y, Offer.objects.filter(contract=ct, pub_date__year=y).count()) for y in years ], } ) elif period == "month": pass # weeks else: pass return HttpResponse(json.dumps(cts_years))
[docs]@require_safe @gzip_page @cache_page(60 * 60) def get_contracts_by_technos(request): """Count offers by contracts types and software passed.""" # req = request.GET # softs = req.getlist("softs[]") # cts = req.getlist("contracts[]") # logging.debug(softs, cts) # variables from models years = [i.year for i in Offer.objects.dates("pub_date", "year")] tech_top5 = ( Offer.objects.values("technologies__name") .annotate(offers_count=Count("technologies")) .order_by("-offers_count")[:5] ) cts_tech = [] for tek in tech_top5: tek_name = tek.get("technologies__name") # tek_count = tek.get("offers_count") cts_tech.append( { "key": tek_name, # "key": "{} ({})".format(tek_name, tek_count), "values": [ ( y, Offer.objects.select_related() .filter( technologies__name=tek_name, # contract="CDI", pub_date__year=y, ) .count(), ) for y in years ], } ) # MEMO - DATA STRCTURE EXPECTED # cts_tech = [{"key": "QGIS", # "values": [("2015", "132"), ("2016", "150"), ("2017", "200")], # "color": '#2ca02c'}, # {"key": "Esri", # "values": [("2015", "200"), ("2016", "185"), ("2017", "135")], # "color": '#7777ff'}] # logging.debug(cts_tech) # print(type(cts_tech)) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(cts_tech))
[docs]@require_safe @gzip_page @cache_page(60 * 60) def get_fr_dpts_top10(request): """Count offers by French departments, including DOM TOM.""" qdpt = Q(place__scale="DEPARTEMENT") qtom = Q(place__scale="TOM") dtps_toms = Offer.objects.filter(qdpt | qtom) # variables from models dpts_toms_top10 = ( dtps_toms.values("place__name").annotate(y=Count("place")).order_by("-y")[:10] ) dpts_toms_others = dtps_toms.exclude( place__code__in=dpts_toms_top10.values_list("place__code", flat=True) ) ct_dpts_toms = [ {"x": "Autres", "y": dpts_toms_others.count()}, ] for i in dpts_toms_top10: ct_dpts_toms.append({"x": i.get("place__name"), "y": i.get("y")}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ct_dpts_toms))
[docs]@require_safe @gzip_page @cache_page(60 * 60) def get_countries_top5(request): """Count offers by countries other than France.""" # variables from models countries = Offer.objects.exclude(place__code="FRA").filter(place__scale="COUNTRY") countries_top5 = ( countries.values("place__name").annotate(y=Count("place")).order_by("-y")[:5] ) countries_others = countries.exclude( place__code__in=countries_top5.values_list("place__code", flat=True) ) ct_countries = [ {"x": "Autres", "y": countries_others.count()}, ] for i in countries_top5: ct_countries.append({"x": i.get("place__name"), "y": i.get("y")}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ct_countries))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]@require_safe @gzip_page @cache_page(60 * 60) def timeline(request): """Displays 50 latest offers.""" dico_styles = { "Alternance": ("far fa-star-half", "primary disabled"), "Autres": ("fas fa-question", "default"), "CDI": ("fas fa-star", "success"), "CDD": ("far fa-star", "info"), "Expatriation": ("far fa-paper-plane", "info"), "FP E/T": ("fas fa-university", "success"), "Intérim": ("fas fa-history", "default"), "ND": ("fas fa-question", "disabled"), "Postdoctorat": ("fas fa-graduation-cap", "warning"), "Stage": ("fas fa-child", "primary disabled"), "Thèse": ("fas fa-graduation-cap", "warning"), "Volontariat": ("far fa-paper-plane", "info"), } last50 = Offer.objects.order_by("-pub_date")[:50] top50 = [ { "title": i.title, "contract": i.contract.abbrv, "description": i.short_content, "date": i.pub_date, "delay": arrow.get(i.pub_date).humanize(locale="FR_fr"), "badge": dico_styles.get(i.contract.abbrv, "Stage")[0], "id_rss": i.id_rss, "kind": dico_styles.get(i.contract.abbrv, "Stage")[1], "link": "{}".format(i.id_rss), "technos": i.technologies.values("name", "license", "type_soft"), "place":, "jobs": i.jobs_positions.values("name"), "osm": "{}".format(, } for i in last50 ] # function end return render(request, "jobs/timeline.html", {"last50": top50})
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @require_safe @gzip_page @conditional_cache(decorator=cache_page(60 * 60)) def search(request): """Search form.""" offers_qs = Offer.objects.select_related().all().order_by("-pub_date") offers_filtered = OfferFilter(request.GET, queryset=offers_qs) paginator = Paginator(offers_filtered.qs, 25) page = request.GET.get("page") try: offer_filter = except PageNotAnInteger: offer_filter = except EmptyPage: offer_filter = return render( request, "jobs/search.html", {"offers": offer_filter, "filter": offers_filtered} )